Valga Valamudan 17th 01 2021.
Valga Valamudan Wanted to share some of the glimpses of yesterday’s
It’s just my experience, what I wanted to share in the group.
Apologies if I have typed anything wrong.
Yesterday was a blissful day we started with the
Exercise and relaxation of the body followed with mediation, Meditation on the
5 SENSE ORGAN. As per the instruction given by Madam we meditated on each
organ, that is Skin(touch), Taste(Tongue), Smell(Nose) Sound( Hear) , Sight
(Eye) later meditated on the Agniya Chakara and Thuriyam. I had a wonderful experience.
Yesterday what did I learn.
We had 2 Senior Sir’s explanation One about the benefits of Yoga. And also a
simple Trick to exercise for the main 3 parts of the body that is where we
usually complain as we get older that is “NECK”, “HIP” and “KNEE”.
Another Senior Sir, explained before that last class Sir explained about the
Full Form of “COVID 19”
'CO' stands for corona, 'VI' for virus, and 'D' for
disease. Formerly, this disease was referred
in 2019.
Yesterday Sir Explained about Our Body and referred
to it as a Mobile (Mind, Body, and Soul) all three are connected.
The same way as mobile. The variations and clearly explained Different
Wavelength. (ie)
ALPHA, BETA, THETA, and DELTA, through meditation We
can achieve what we desire.
Valga Valamudan
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